The ear is the organ of hearing. The outer ear protrudes away from the...
Sight is probably the most developed sense in humans, followed closely by hearing. The...
The intestines are located between the stomach and the anus and are divided into...
The stomach is a muscular, elastic, pear-shaped bag, lying crosswise in the abdominal cavity...
The heart is a hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels...
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdominal cavity, one...
The liver is an abdominal glandular organ in the digestive system. It is...
The water cycle is The natural cycle of evaporation of water and subsequent condensation...
The lungs are two sponge-like, cone-shaped structures that fill most of the chest cavity....
The brain, a jelly-like substance, is the most important body part and is located...