Priesthood in African Society

3 years ago

 The priest is the mediator between man and the gods (God). These are ministers in the temples, shrines, sacred groves…

Witchcraft and Sorcery in African Tradition

3 years ago

 Witchcraft To most Africans, witchcraft is an ugly reality. Witches are believed to be people with inherent power. Although some…

Magic and Medicine in African Tradition

3 years ago

 Definition Magic is a ritual activity which influences human or natural events through access to an external mystical force. Thus,…

Divinities in African Traditional Religion

3 years ago

 Divinities are gods who emanated from Supreme Deity. They have attribute of the Supreme Being and are in essence His…

Rites in Connection with Passage of Life in African Traditions

3 years ago

 There are many stages that a man has to pass in life. These are periods when people are metaphysically and…

Causes and effects of evil in African Traditional Belief

3 years ago

 Arising from the corporatenature of Zambian communitiesthat were held together by a web of kinship relationships and other social structures,…

Categories of Sacrifices in African Traditional Religions

3 years ago

 As far as worshipwas concerned, God was worshipped in a number of ways among African peoples.  The first form of…


3 years ago

 This article introduces you to what African Traditional Religion is all about, its beliefs, rituals and practices. Religion is found…

The Zoroastrianism from Iran | All you Must-know

3 years ago

 This article explains the nature of Zoroastrianism, The concept of Dualism such as good and evil. This is recognised in…

All you need to know about Sikhism from India

3 years ago

 Exploration of this article will help you to know the nature of Sikhism. You will be exposed to monotheistic concept…