The relationship between Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

2 years ago

 The relationship between pragmatics and discourse analysis is such that makes it difficult to really say where one ends and…

The relationship between Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics

2 years ago

 Sociolinguistics is defined as the study of language in relation to society while pragmatics is concerned with the study of…

The relationship between Pragmatics and core Linguistics

2 years ago

 Linguistics is formally defined as the scientific study of language and its subfields, i.e. phonology, lexis, syntax and semantics are…

Interfaces of Pragmatics

2 years ago

 In this article, we shall be considering the interface of pragmatics and other linguistic disciplines; in other words we shall…


2 years ago

 In this article we shall be examining some other ways speakers and writers encode meaning using some grammatical elements in…

Some Theoretical Contributions to Pragmatics

2 years ago

 Generally pragmatic theories attempt to explain how utterances convey meaning in context, explain how meaning is decoded from utterances in…


2 years ago

INTRODCTION In this article, we shall be considering some more concepts associated with Grice’s theory of implicature and how they…

Utterance Acts and Austin’s Theory of Pragmatics

2 years ago

 Austin (1962) postulates that when an individual makes an utterance, he performs (i) the locutionary act, which is the act that…

Speech events in English Language

2 years ago

 A speech event is what is going on, including both linguistic and non-linguistic activity that make up the context. Every…

Speech Acts in English

2 years ago

 You will recall that we identified the role of the context in determining the meaning of indexical references such as…